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Repair Only Orders
  • Calibration charges will be deducted from the order before billing. For expedited repairs, labor will be billed as current rate * 1.5.
Rental Orders
  • Monthly rental rates are displayed in the cart and not total rental charges, which continue monthly until equipment is returned. Rental charges are billed monthly or when equipment is returned for partial month rental periods and final residual rental period not covered by previous monthly billing.
  • Rental period begins when an item is shipped and ends when it is received back at our shop at a weekly/monthly rate.
  • Refer to item descriptions for monthly and/or weekly rental rates. Daily rates are not available.
Final Charges
  • Final charges will also include tax, shipping, repair costs, etc. as applicable.
  • Final charges may include other administrative costs incurred due to vendor setup requirements (e.g. time & fees for required registration).
  • EnergySolutions will submit invoices electronically to the email address specified.
  • Customers who desire a paper copy of invoice must submit that request to .
Payment Information
  • Purchase orders can be accepted for orders that total $500.00 or more for customers who have established a line of credit with EnergySolutions. Email for credit application. If approved, purchase orders must be received & approved before work can proceed. Also purchase orders must include Terms: Net 30 only and cannot reference customer terms and conditions or, if terms and conditions are embedded, this statement must be included: (Customer Name) understands and agrees that EnergySolutions terms and conditions govern this purchase order.

We cannot receive items shipped through the United States Postal Services. Please use UPS or FedEx.

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